Do you have a fabulous idea for a fundraiser for the Club? Send your ideas to
For the 2025 season, ALL families will be required to: TBD
PLEASE KNOW that we really appreciate the support of our club members in ways such as purchasing products and attending fundraising events themselves, but we are finding that it’s not enough to support the needs of the club and expenses.
All monies raised through fundraising activities go into the club. This money is used to help mitigate running costs, track maintenance, coaching costs, equipment purchase and repair, awards, and special events.
While we realize that most parents are overloaded with fundraising commitments from schools and other sports organizations, fundraising is vital to the operation of our club and allows us to keep our membership fees relatively low despite rising costs.
Current Opportunities to Help Our Club
​Why We Fundraise
Ongoing operations and maintenance of the track
Coaching courses and new training equipment
Loaner bikes and equipment for people to try BMX
Concession supplies and race night software
This year we also have three other items we will be fundraising for:
1. Hosting Provincial Cup Race in June
As many of you may know we have been selected to host the first provincial in June (Great news for not having to travel for the first provincial of the year). These larger events are great to showcase the town and provide a comfortable first provincial race for our members but require additional costs for hosting the event.
2. Transponder System
The transponder system would provide added value to our members and allow them to monitor their speed during races and practices to see how they progress throughout the year. This would help the kids better quantify their improvement and help coaches customize training.
3. New UCI Level Race Track
Coles notes version of this is that we currently lease the track land from the town on an annual basis. As the town expands, the town will need to expand the water treatment plant and we will need to move to a new location. I looked up the estimated cost for St Alberts new BMX track which is set at approximately 800,000 to 1,000,000 (I guess dirt and start gates aren’t cheap these days). We have heard from multiple members on wanting to proactively prepare and fundraise towards a new track for multiple reasons:
Ensure we do not miss a BMX season due to construction time
Build a UCI level race track that can host Nationals and other large events and help to prepare our members for larger events and contribute to the local economy
Expanded permanent facilities (lights, sponsorship, etc.)
Ensures fundraising doesn’t fall all on one year
At a recent meeting with the Town of Okotoks, the Club was informed that we will have to relocate the track in two years. We can stay at the existing track until the new one is completed but will need to start raising funds now as the new build is going to require a lot of money.
Our goal is to focus on fundraising activities where you, your family and friends would already be spending your money and to be positive contributors in our communities.
We are always open to additional ideas for fundraising and sponsorships so if you have any questions or ideas please do not hesitate to reach out to